Kate has a fascination with all things quirky and bizarre and enjoys crafting suspenseful and intriguing middle grade and young adult stories with twists. Her writing offers misdirections, turns and unpredictable endings with a focus on peculiarity and engaging the reader through obscurity and fantastical imagination. Kate is also a tattoo artist, community theatre actress, painter, mediocre cook, mother and nap enthusiast. Kate enjoys writing middle grade stories which allow her to rediscover her child-like imagination. Her grade three teacher wrote in her report card that ‘Kate is always off with the fairies” which was true, albeit slightly rude - even by 90s standards. Nevertheless, Kate’s active imagination has served her well and she enjoys reading children’s adventure stories every night, mostly to her kids but more so for her own pleasure.
As an experienced journalist and writer Kate Paraskevos has written for various print publications for around a decade.